SN to instruct caregiver on pulmonary toilet including percussion therapy and postural drainage (freq), SN to perform pulmonary toilet including percussion therapy and postural drainage (freq), SN to instruct the Patient/Caregiver on proper use of nebulizer/inhaler, and assess return demonstration, SN to assess O2 saturation on room air (freq), SN to assess O2 saturation on O2 @, SN to instruct the Patient/Caregiver on factors that contribute to SOB, including avoiding outdoors on poor air quality days., SN to instruct the Patient/Caregiver to avoid smoking or allowing people to smoke in patient’s home. Instruct patient to avoid irritants/allergens known to increase SOB., SN to instruct patient on pursed lip breathing techniques., SN to instruct patient on energy conserving measures including frequent rest periods, small frequent meals, avoiding large meals/overeating, controlling stress, SN to instruct patient on proper use of nebulizer treatment with, SN to instruct patient on proper use of, SN to instruct caregiver on proper suctioning technique., SN to instruct the Patient/Caregiver on methods to recognize pulmonary dysfunction and relieve complications., Maintain head of bed elevated., Report to physician O2 saturation less than 90%., SN to assist with measures to improve the effectiveness of cough effort., Increase fluid intake up to 3000 mL per day within cardiac tolerance. Provide warm or tepid liquids. Recommend the intake of fluids between, instead of during, meals.
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