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SN to instruct patient on daily weight self-monitoring program where the patient utilizes the same scales on a hard, flat surface each morning prior to breakfast and after urination., Report to SN weight, SN to assess patient’s weight log every visit, SN to instruct the Patient/Caregiver on measures to recognize cardiac dysfunction and relieve complications, SN to instruct patient on measures to detect and alleviate edema, SN to instruct patient when (s)he starts feeling chest pain, tightness, or squeezing in the chest to take nitroglycerin. Patient may take nitroglycerin one time every 5 minutes. If no relief after 3 doses, call 911, SN to instruct the patient the following symptoms could be signs of a heart attack: chest discomfort, discomfort in one or both arms, back, neck, jaw, stomach, shortness of breath, cold sweat, nausea, or dizziness. Instruct patient on signs and symptoms that necessitate calling 911

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