DESCRIPTIVE NOTE WOUND-1: Location: Right lateral aspect of elbow. Status: open. Type: pressure. Stage: Stage 2 Size: Length: 3 cm, Width: 1 cm, Depth: 0.3 cm. Wound Edges: defined. Drainage: serosanguinous. Amount: scan. Odor: none. Undermining: No undermining, (cm); Tunneling: No tunneling, (cm). Surrounding Tissue: intact. Wound Bed: color pink; wound base is 50 % Pink/Red, 30 % Granulation, % Slough, % Eschar, % Necrotic. Pain: no pain. Evaluation of infection: no signs/symptoms of infection. Treatment: SN clean site with NS solution, pat dry, apply Medihoney sheet, cover with 4×4 gauze, wrap with kerlix and secure with tape every other day.
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